uPortal 5 Roadmap

The uPortal Steering Committee, project committers, and uPortal adopters met virtually in early September to discuss the uPortal roadmap and plans for uPortal 5. The overall theme for this next version is to make the project more “modern” for today’s supports IT professionals. It includes an overhaul of the way the uPortal project sources are organized and how the project is built and deployed. Our high level goals are to:
- Shift the customary deployment paradigm away from building on each portal server
- Allow multiple adopters to deploy the same, Apereo-provided binaries
- Move uPortal toward "cloud native"
- Make uPortal easier to work with for developers, especially new developers
More information is available at https://wiki.jasig.org/x/GYBfB.
-- uPortal Steering Committee
Project News