Karuta Open Source Portfolio Version 2.2

The Karuta project, under the umbrella of the Apereo Foundation, is pleased to announce the release of version 2.2 of the Karuta Open Source Portfolio. Karuta offers a simple and flexible way for portfolio designers to customize portfolio workflows for learning, assessment, reporting, and showcasing. This fifth release of Karuta has undergone extensive testing and includes many features useful for a full implementation.
- Designers can set the maximum number of words in a text field.
- Users can click on the text editor for a full page view.
- Designers may grant users permission to invite others via email to edit their portfolios.
- Reports can be used in much more sophisticated ways to create dashboards and aggregated reports.
Admin and Designers
- Designers can use batch files to create users and portfolios and to share portfolios with roles and/or individual users.
- In implementations of more than 100 portfolios, the admin page is optimized by limiting the loading of portfolios to only those projects that are open.
- The admin and designers can search portfolios by code, and users by login, first name, and last name.
- There has been a complete reorganization of the karuta-core code and files configuration.
- Float support in reports allows the export of data using semicolons or commas.
- The batch process can be used to create and edit user groups for sharing portfolios, as well as to launch javascript functions for ad hoc development.
Karuta Benefits
Simple. Teaching and learning (T&L) designers can quickly build portfolio workflows by creating pages, adding different resources (text, document, comments, rubrics, embed resources, email, etc.), and assigning their use to various roles (student, evaluator, etc.).
Flexible. Karuta has no a priori structure. The T&L designer has full control and can build sophisticated portfolio workflows and reports with a minimum of training. No code development is required. All types of portfolios are supported (learning, assessment, showcase, etc.).
Iterative. Karuta is built for quick review and revision. Design a portfolio, test it in faculty meetings, make changes, run a small pilot, check the data in reports.
Powerful. Karuta has advanced features for creating rubrics, user menus, summary pages, forms, help, reports, sharing, and peer evaluation.
Mobile Device Ready. Karuta is responsive design-ready and can be displayed on computers, tablets, or smartphones.
Multilingual. Karuta can support many languages and has already been set up for English, French, and Japanese. Language customization can be accomplished quickly. A special version of Karuta supports portfolios with multilingual interface commands and forms, images, or documents made available in a chosen language.
Technology. jQuery javascript front end, Twitter Bootstrap, MySQL, ORACLE, REST API.
Try Karuta: http://eportfolium.com/karuta
Participate as a student, classroom teacher, or supervisor in different types of portfolios. Or design your own portfolio process.
Get the code: https://github.com/karutaproject
Get the documentation for installation: https://github.com/karutaproject/karutaproject/wiki
Get in touch: info@karutaproject.org
We would like to acknowledge the financial support of our current partners: Kyoto University, IUT-2 Grenoble, and HEC Montréal, and the work of individuals who are responsible for this fifth release:
Olivier Gerbé, Nobry Ouk, and Isabelle Roy - HEC Montréal
Janice Smith and Sean Keesler - Three Canoes LLC
Thi Lan Anh - ePortfolium
Eric Giraudin and Marc Vassoille - Institut universitaire de technologie IUT-2 Grenoble.
-- Janice Smith