Xerte User Stories - November 2017

Xerte an Apereo Community Project
November 17, 2017
Xerte Community

Newborn Airway Management e-learning – “Overall this tool was brilliant to aid our learning”
A great case study from Anne Misselbrook and colleagues at the University of Northampton also published in the British Journal of Midwifery.


Developing an AgriFood Training Partnership (AFTP) e-Learning Course
A very useful resource created by James Roscoe and Joel Reed from University of Nottingham. While it’s been developed specifically for academics working on their UoN AFTP projects, many of the principles and examples shown could be of interest more widely to anyone involved in e-learning content development.

Future Teacher Project
https://xot.futureteacher.eu/play.php?template_id=4 (English) https://xot.12change.eu/play.php?template_id=981 (Dutch)
Not so much case studies but examples of how this project is using Xerte to deliver CPD via monthly webinars and free resources as well as using Xerte to collaborate across the European partners and develop and improve Xerte as part of the wider Future Teacher project. Both of those bootstrap project in turn contain and/or link to many more Xerte examples/resources.

How about sharing your Xerte stories and examples?

Share via the Xerte for Teachers list - joinable at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=XERTEFORTEACHERS

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