About Xerte X

Xerte X celebrates 10 years since the first public release of the online version of Xerte - officially known as Xerte Online Toolkits. (XOT)
Xerte had been used prior to that very first release of XOT but as a locally installed tool mainly for developers rather than easy use by anyone and everyone. Xerte X also marks the release of very significant enhancements to the xAPI functionality first included in v3.6. The info and examples below do not represent an exhaustive list of every single change/addition but does include most of the new features and highlights. Many of these new features and more will also be demonstrated and discussed at #xerte18
xAPI Dashboard
The previous version of Xerte intoduced LTI and xAPI tracking capabilities.

Now we added a dashboard to look at the tracking data.
This particular dashboard is very suitable for flipped-classroom applications.
Timed release of pages
The newly expanded Hide/Show Page optional property group gives you the option of not only hiding pages, but also specifying the time during which it is hidden:
The Hide Page check box must be ticked when using From and/or Until dates and you must use the format dd/mm/yyyy & hh:mm.
This functionality is available on pages in both the Xerte Online Toolkits and Bootstrap templates, as well as on sections in the Bootstrap template.
Stop Tracking page
Within Xerte we use a specific technique (unload event) to make sure that tracking is completed.
This is true for SCORM and xAPI.
However, sometimes that technique doesn't work, and we can't fix those situations.
In order to get correct tracking in those circumstances we added a 'Stop Tracking' page.
You only need to use this page in case of tracking and if there are issues with 'completion'.

See the Xerte website for the full release notes on Xerte X: https://xot.xerte.org.uk/play.php?template_id=81#v37_XerteX