2019 uPortal Steering Committee Election Results

Congratulations to the following people that were recently elected (or re-elected) to the uPortal Steering Committee:
- Benito Gonzalez, Unicon - developer representative
- Julien Gribonvald, GIP RECIA - K12 schools of Center-Loire Valley Region, ESUP member - community representative
- Nick Woodle, Oakland University - community representative
- Lauren Anderson, Brigham Young University - supporting subscriber representative
They join the others on the committee that are in the middle of their two year terms.
The uPortal Steering Committee serves to foster growth, collaboration, and communication within the uPortal project. The uPSC coordinates communication related to community calls, online hangouts, and conference meetings. The committee has oversight responsibility for project documentation and provides leadership in the development of uPortal marketing materials. The committee coordinates uPortal security related issues and facilitates resolution. The uPSC assists with the identification and development of resources (people or funding). Committee members liaison with the uPortal developers, the uPortal community of adopters and potential adopters, and the Apereo board.