Announcing Finalists Of 2019 International Timetabling Competition

February 2, 2020

We are pleased to announce the following five finalists of the International Timetabling Competition 2019! Please note that the following list does not reflect the final placement.

Alexandre Lemos, Pedro T Monteiro, Inês Lynce
INESC-ID / IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Efstratios Rappos
HEIG-VD, Switzerland

Karim Er-rhaimini
Ministère de l'éducation nationale, France

Dennis S. Holm, Rasmus Ørnstrup Mikkelsen, Matias Sørensen, Thomas R. Stidsen
MaCom / Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Edon Gashi, Kadri Sylejmani
University of Prishtina, Kosovo

Congratulations! More details, including the final placements, will be revealed at the award ceremony that will be held at the PATAT 2020 conference in Bruges, Belgium on August 25-29, 2020 ( At that point, all the uploaded solutions will become publicly available on the competition website, which will become a repository of the best-known solutions, publications about them, and may even include new instances in the future. Until then, it is still possible to validate and upload your solutions just like during the competition.

Announcement Project News