Unitime: 2019 Competition Winners

September 2, 2020

The award ceremony for the International Timetabling Competition 2019 was held online on September 2. We are pleased to announce the following winners:

1st place (489 points)

Dennis S. Holm, Rasmus Ørnstrup Mikkelsen, Matias Sørensen, Thomas R. Stidsen
MaCom / Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Best solutions of nine late instances (all except agh-fal17).

2nd place (322 points)

Efstratios Rappos, Eric Thiémard, Stephan Robert, Jean-François Hêche
HEIG-VD, Switzerland

3rd place (273 points)

Edon Gashi, Kadri Sylejmani
University of Prishtina, Kosovo

Winner of the best open-source award

4th place (252 points)

Karim Er-rhaimini
Ministère de l'éducation nationale, France

Best solution of one late instance (agh-fal17).

5th place (79 points)

Alexandre Lemos, Pedro T Monteiro, Inês Lynce
INESC-ID / IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Congratulations! More details are available at https://www.itc2019.org/#winners, including the recording from the ceremony and presentations of all the finalists. While the competition is officially over, the competition website stays available to keep track of new solutions and further support research in this area.

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