Xerte v3.9

Xerte an Apereo Community Project
September 1, 2020
Xerte Community

A major focus of this 3.9 release has been the objective to include an accessibility statement and to automatically include a link to that from any resources created with Xerte in addition to linking to the statement and included guidance from the the default authoring workspace.

An official accessibility statement is something that has been requested by our community and in terms of all the default functionality we provide in Xerte is not something that is easy to fully assess and accurately report on for individual organisations. In the preparation of the accessibility statement we also undertook to resolve and improve any accessibility issues found in more recent releases, or at least as many of those issues as possible prior to release of the statement and Xerte 3.9. 

Some issues still remain and we will work on those and include fixes in a 3.9.1 or later update, but for the moment if you are serious about the accessibility of the resources you create we highly recommend upgrading to Xerte 3.9 as well as following the guidance included in our accessibility statement resource.

Xerte Accessibility Statement (screenshot)

A permanent link to our accessibility statement is bit.ly/xerteaccessibilitystatement but you'll also find the full link and logo in the footer of any site/bootstrap resources including these release notes.

Read the full release notes on the Xerte website: https://xot.xerte.org.uk/play.php?template_id=81#v39 

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