2023 Sakai Virtual Conference

October 18, 2023
Wilma Hodges, Sakai Community Manager

Make plans to attend the Sakai Virtual Conference on Wednesday, November 15th, 2023! The conference will be held online, emphasizing pedagogy and best practices. There will also be games and prizes, so don’t miss the fun! Join us for a faculty-friendly event of learning, sharing, and community building with your fellow Sakai users around the globe, all without the need to travel!

The Sakai Virtual Conference will also feature technical and non-technical presentations and Birds of a Feather discussions. 

You can view the full conference program schedule, as well as session descriptions, online at https://virtconf.apereo.org/schedule.

Registration is only $5 per person, thanks to generous support from our sponsors.  

All proceeds from the conference go toward funding Sakai development. 

Register today! We look forward to seeing you there!

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project conferences