Apereo Board Chair Anne-Marie Scott is Keynote Speaker at ALT

Anne-Marie Scott
September 18, 2023
Michelle Hall, Apereo Communications

Apereo is pleased to announce that our Board Chair, Anne-Marie Scott, delivered her keynote address "Things Cannot Be Made Simple" at the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) conference in September 2023. 

Her talk, “Things Cannot Be Made Simple,” was a profoundly human reflection on leading people through difficult times (see: pandemic, natural disaster, organizational change). Take the time to watch!

The 2023 conference theme, “Looking through the digital lens: 30 years of Leading People, Digital and Culture”, will celebrated ALT's 30th anniversary.

Anne-Marie's talk specifically addressed one of the conference themes for the year, "Leading people in a time of complexity."


About ALT: 

ALT is the leading professional body for Learning Technology in the UK. We support a collaborative community for individuals and organisations from all sectors including Further and Higher Education and industry and provide professional recognition and development.Membership is open to all with a professional interest in using digital technologies for learning, teaching and assessment. https://www.alt.ac.uk/

About Apereo:

The Apereo Foundation is a global community of higher education institutions and partners dedicated to developing and sustaining innovative open-source software for education. The Foundation provides a framework to develop, manage, and support open-source software projects and acts as a collaboration platform for engaging and connecting institutions, developers, and users.  www.apereo.org

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