EdF Develops New Open Source Tool - JuezLTI

January 23, 2023
Entornos de Formación (EdF)

Apereo Foundation’s commercial affiliate Entornos de Formación (EdF) has co-developed a new open source tool, JuezLTI, using Apereo’s incubation project Tsugi. JuezLTI is a cloud-based tool that allows the automatic assessment of computing studies exercises intended for use in higher education and vocational institutions. JuezLTI integrates with Apereo’s Sakai LMS and other LMS platforms. The full announcement from EdF is below.

EdF Develops New Open Source Tool - JuezLTI 

JuezLTI is a tool that allows the automated assessment of computing studies exercises, namely: markup languages and programming and databases exercises, intended for vocational and university training courses. 

JuezLTI is a web application developed, under a European Project*, by EdF following the terms and philosophy of Open Source. It can be installed on the servers of any teaching institution and easily configured to communicate with the institution's Learning Management System by LTI.

The solution brings management of Markup Language questions, with automatic correction based on XPath and XQuery, with these main functionalities:

  • Java, SQL and XML exercises are available in JuezLTI.
  • Integration of a feedback system independent of the programming language allows students to know their errors and helps them solve them.
  • In addition to the help configured by the teacher, Juez will show the compiler or timeout errors.
  • Integration of the YAPExIL format developed by the members of INESC-TEC.
  • Internationalization of the platform.
  • Improved usability and accessibility to comply with the W3C standard.
  • Import/export module.
  • Centralized question repository shared between many learning centers.

Given its compliance with Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard, JuezLTI leverages the power of Apereo’s tool Tsugi. This application library allows rapid development of standards-compliant learning applications, continuing the longtime leadership of open-source learning projects in the Apereo Foundation in standards and interoperability. 

An extensive range of exercises is available through a central repository developed into the project, so teachers can start teaching with a pool of resources. 


The image below shows the basic technical diagram of JuezLTI: 

JuezLTI Technical Diagram

A video explaining the basics is available on JuezLTI's youtube channel.



EdF, Apereo’s commercial partner, is proud to have taken part in this solution, opening the chance to offer its customers a JuezLTI cloud-based solution to integrate with their LMS.

The consortium (INESC TEC, Portugal; CIFP Carlos III, Spain; EdF, Spain; Karlstads Universitet, Sweden; Bursa Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu, Turkey) has been working on finishing the project’s goals as a European Project.

We have a MOOC for teachers and administrators available for training before the implementation in your institution.  Join them!


* European Projects are funded by the European Union with the intent to drive innovation in the educational world. 

Announcement Community