University of Murcia: Already Running Sakai 11

We are so happy to share with the community that the University of Murcia's Sakai instance [1] was upgraded to Sakai 11.1 on September 15th.
The system was down for about 4 hours and, so far, only minor issues have been found and, most of them were related to browser's cache... The feedback that we are getting is pretty good, we can say that the change has been well received. Since then, we have fixed and contributed all the issues that our users have reported us, expect them in Sakai 11.2.

As we already mentioned on the Apereo mailing lists, we appreciate all the information that others have shared about their upgrade and about the new features that come with Sakai 11. It helped us to create this post [2] about the new features that our users will enjoy. Sorry, it's in Spanish. Those things happen when you have such a global community.

Again, Thanks to everyone that helped to make this possible, it’s a great community. We will be sharing all the information about the upgrade at the next SAKAI VIRTUAL CONFERENCE (#SVC16) where we have a session called "Let’s upgrade to Sakai 11, it is now responsive! - The University of Murcia’s experience". Hope to see you there on the 2nd of November at 10 AM EST (Upgrading Sakai track).
-- Murcia's Team
