Open Source for Education: Open Apereo 2021 – June 7th and 8th – Hold the Dates!

Open source software -- flexible, adaptable, without licensing constraints, and unaffected by price hikes --  is helping institutions like yours respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Shouldn’t your institution be “in the know” about open source? Open Apereo 21 is the place to be to find out more.

The core of Open Apereo 2021 will take place online on June 7th and 8th, between 1400 and 1800 UTC (0900 and 1300 US Eastern). Interactive keynotes will be timed for the broadest possible timezone accessibility. We’ll be adding workshops and other events around these dates and times.

Open Apereo 21 will feature content contributed by institutional practitioners and experts. There’ll be opportunities to interact, learn, network and share your stories and expertise. We’ll focus on making material available in advance to maximise your time to network with higher education participants from around the globe. We’ll feature an increased number of short, punchy presentations, with extended opportunities for interaction, and to hear about commercial solutions. The event will also feature topical and interactive keynotes. Open Apereo 2021 will be accompanied by hands-on workshops, regional and other events. Expect to see further announcements of these as planning progresses.

See you in June!