Thierry Koscielniak

Apereo Board Director

Organizational Member Seat
First elected, June 2019
Current term, July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2025
Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology

Associated Apereo Projects

Thierry is Executive Advisor on Digital Strategy and Educational Innovation at Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology (ENSAM) in Paris, France.

During his career, Thierry has always been deeply involved in the use and promotion of open source EdTech : Moodle, Sakai, uPortal, Karuta, Mahara, H5P and others.

Thierry is president and founder of France Immersive Learning, the French association for XR learning stakeholders and promoter of the concept of an open source metaverse for Education: La Métaversité.

He is vice-president of EUNIS and former president of CSIESR. He is also a member of the Karuta Open Source Portfolio Governing Board.

As an expert in EdTech in higher education, he performs an active watch and research on digital learning and, presently, the pedagogical uses of virtual reality and augmented reality. He is a member of the Immersive Learning Squad of the European Digital Education Hub.

Thierry holds a PhD in chemistry and bioinformatics from Sorbonne University.